Unlock value
in your Text Data

Tidepool’s combination of LLM and embedding technology allows you to ask questions of massive text datasets in a way that wasn’t possible before.

Create attributes 
to organize your data

Create an attribute with a short text description to represent a “question” you would like to ask of the data.

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Create attributes 
to organize your data

Discover categories within an attribute

Visualize clusters in the dataset. Inspect individual snippets of text in each cluster and create categories of an attribute that you’d like to track in the dataset.

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Discover categories 
within an attribute

Scale attributes 
to all your data

Tidepool trains a lightweight embedding classifier for your attribute that categorizes text examples in your entire dataset and new data going forward.

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Scale attributes 
to all your data

Explore your data

Explore the distribution of your attribute and categories across the entire dataset. Chart the correlation of your attribute against metadata like business metrics. Dig into individual examples within each category.

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Explore your data

Export enriched data

Once you’re done exploring your data in Tidepool, export selected rows into a CSV for ad-hoc analysis or write back a table to your data warehouse so you can analyze it with the rest of your BI stack.

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Export enriched data

Try it out for yourself

Tidepool analyzes chat conversations, user feedback, training datasets, 
and more, helping you make better decisions for your business.